
The following events are used to log notable events within the Alarm service.

Scheduler Events

The Scheduler contract logs the following events.

Call Scheduled

  • Solidity Event Signature: CallScheduled(address callAddress)
  • ABI Signature: 0x2b05d346

Logged when a new scheduled call is created.

Call Rejected

  • Solidity Event Signature: CallRejected(address indexed schedulerAddress, bytes32 reason)
  • ABI Signature: 0x513485fc

Logged when an attempt to schedule a function call fails.

Call Contract Events

Each CallContract logs the following events.

Call Executed

  • Solidity Event Signature: CallExecuted(address indexed executor, uint gasCost, uint payment, uint fee, bool success)


  • ABI Signature: 0x4538b7ec

Executed when the call is executed.

Call Aborted

  • Solidity Event Signature: _CallAborted(address executor, bytes32 reason)
  • ABI Signature: 0xe92bb686

Executed when an attempt is made to execute a scheduled call is rejected. The reason value in this log entry contains a short string representation of why the call was rejected. (Note that this event name starts with an underscore)