Contract ABI

Beyond the simplest use cases, the use of to interact with the Alarm service is limiting. Beyond the readability issues, it is not possible to get the return values from function calls when using call().

By using an abstract solidity contract which defines all of the function signatures, you can easily call any of the Alarm service’s functions, letting the compiler handle computation of the function ABI signatures.

Abstract Solidity Contracts

The following abstract contracts can be used alongside your contract code to interact with the Alarm service.

Abstract Scheduler Contract Source Code

The following abstract solidity contract can be used to interact with the scheduling contract from a solidity contract.

contract SchedulerAPI {
     *  Call Scheduling API
    function getMinimumGracePeriod() constant returns (uint);
    function getDefaultPayment() constant returns (uint);
    function getDefaultFee() constant returns (uint);

    function isKnownCall(address callAddress) constant returns (bool);

    function scheduleCall(address contractAddress, bytes4 abiSignature, uint targetBlock) public returns (address);
    function scheduleCall(address contractAddress, bytes4 abiSignature, uint targetBlock, uint suggestedGas) public returns (address);
    function scheduleCall(address contractAddress, bytes4 abiSignature, uint targetBlock, uint suggestedGas, uint8 gracePeriod) public returns (address);
    function scheduleCall(address contractAddress, bytes4 abiSignature, uint targetBlock, uint suggestedGas, uint8 gracePeriod, uint basePayment) public returns (address);
    function scheduleCall(address contractAddress, bytes4 abiSignature, uint targetBlock, uint suggestedGas, uint8 gracePeriod, uint basePayment, uint baseFee) public returns (address);

     *  Next Call API
    function getCallWindowSize() constant returns (uint);
    function getNextCall(uint blockNumber) constant returns (bytes32);
    function getNextCallSibling(address callAddress) constant returns (bytes32);

Abstract Call Contract Source Code

The following abstract solidity contract can be used to interact with a call contract from a solidity contract.

contract CallContractAPI {
    bytes public callData;
    address public contractAddress;
    uint8 public gracePeriod;
    address public schedulerAddress;
    uint public suggestedGas;
    bool public isCancelled;
    bool public wasCalled;
    bool public wasSuccessful;
    uint public anchorGasPrice;
    uint public basePayment;
    bytes4 public abiSignature;
    uint public baseFee;
    uint public targetBlock;

    function execute() public;
    function cancel() public;

    function claim() public;

    address public claimer;
    uint public claimerDeposit;
    uint public claimAmount;

    function checkExecutionAuthorization(address executor, uint256 block_number) public returns (bool)

    function getClaimAmountForBlock() public returns (uint);
    function getClaimAmountForBlock(uint256 block_number) public returns (uint);

    function registerData() public;

Only use what you need

The contracts above have stub functions for every API exposed by Alarm and CallerPool. It is safe to remove any functions or events from the abstract contracts that you do not intend to use.