Scheduling ========== Call scheduling is the core of the Ethereum Alarm Service. Calls can be scheduled on any block at least 40 blocks *(~10 minutes)* in the future. When a call is scheduled, the service deploys a new contract that represents the scheduled function call. This contract is referred to as the **call contract**. holds all of the metadata associated with the call as well as the funds that will be used to pay for the call. Lifecycle of a Call Contract ---------------------------- * **creation** - The call contract is created as part of call scheduling. * **data-registered** - The data for the call is registered with the contract. This step can be skipped for function calls that take no arguments. * **locked** - The contract is locked, preventing cancellation starting 10 blocks before the call's target block through the last block in the call window. * **execution** - The executing transaction is sent, which triggers the call contract to execute the function call. * **payment** - payments are sent to the executor and the creator of the alarm service. * **suicide** - The contract suicides itself, sending the remainder of it's funds to the call scheduler. Scheduling the Call ------------------- Function calls are scheduled with the ``scheduleCall`` function on the Alarm service. This creates a new **call contract** that represents the function call. * **Solidity Function Signature:** ``function scheduleCall(address contractAddress, bytes4 abiSignature, uint targetBlock, uint suggestedGas, uint8 gracePeriod, uint basePayment, uint baseFee) public returns (address)`` * **ABI Signature:** ``TODO`` The ``scheduleCall`` function takes the following parameters: **Required Arguments** * **address contractAddress:** The contract address that the function should be called on. * **bytes4 abiSignature:** The 4 byte ABI function signature for the call. * **uint targetBlock:** The block number the call should be executed on. **Optional Arguments** * **uint suggestedGas:** A suggestion to the call executor as to how much gas should be provided to execute the call. (default: 0) * **uint8 gracePeriod:** The number of blocks after ``targetBlock`` that it is ok to still execute this call. Cannot be less than 64. (default: 255) * **uint basePayment:** The base amount in wei that should be paid to the executor of the call. (default: 1 ether) * **uint baseFee:** The base amount in wei that should be paid to the creator of the alarm service. (default: 100 finney) The optional arguments are implemented through the following alternate invocation signatures. The default value for each of the optional arguments will be used if any of the following signatures are used. * **Solidity Function Signature:** ``function scheduleCall(address contractAddress, bytes4 abiSignature, uint targetBlock) public returns (address)`` * **ABI Signature:** ``TODO`` * **Solidity Function Signature:** ``function scheduleCall(address contractAddress, bytes4 abiSignature, uint targetBlock, uint suggestedGas) public returns (address)`` * **ABI Signature:** ``TODO`` * **Solidity Function Signature:** ``function scheduleCall(address contractAddress, bytes4 abiSignature, uint targetBlock, uint suggestedGas, uint8 gracePeriod) public returns (address)`` * **ABI Signature:** ``TODO`` * **Solidity Function Signature:** ``function scheduleCall(address contractAddress, bytes4 abiSignature, uint targetBlock, uint suggestedGas, uint8 gracePeriod, uint basePayment) public returns (address)`` * **ABI Signature:** ``TODO`` If the ``scheduleCall`` function is being used from within a contract, the address of the newly created call contract is returned. If instead, the function is being called directly in a transaction, the address of the call contract can be extracted from the transaction logs under the ``CallScheduled`` event. Contract scheduling its own call ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contracts can take care of their own call scheduling. .. code-block:: solidity contract Lottery { address alarm; // set by some other mechanism. function beginLottery() public { ... // Do whatever setup needs to take place. // Now we schedule the picking of the winner. bytes4 sig = bytes4(sha3("pickWinner()")); // approximately 24 hours from now uint targetBlock = block.number + 5760; // 0xTODO is the ABI signature computed from `bytes4(sha3("scheduleCall(...)"))`., address(this), sig, targetBlock) } function pickWinner() public { ... } } In this example ``Lottery`` contract, every time the ``beginLottery`` function is called, a call to the ``pickWinner`` function is scheduled for approximately 24 hours later (5760 blocks). Scheduling a call for a contract ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alternatively, calls can be scheduled to be executed on other contracts Lets look at an example where we want to schedule a funds transfer for a wallet contract of some sort. .. note:: This example assuming that you have the Alarm contract ABI loaded into a web3 contract object. .. code-block:: javascript // Now schedule the call > signature = ... // the 4-byte ABI function signature for the wallet function that transfers funds. > targetBlock = eth.getBlock('latest') + 100 // 100 blocks in the future. > alarm.scheduleCall.sendTransaction(walletAddress, signature, targetBlock, {from: eth.coinbase}) Registering Call Data --------------------- If a function call requires arguments then it is up to the scheduler to register the call data prior to call execution. The call contract allows for call data registration via two mechanisms. The primary mechanism is through the fallback function on the contract. This will set the call data as the full call data of the transaction. .. code-block:: javascript // Register some call data > web3.eth.sendTransaction({to: scheduler.address, data: "0x...."}) Or, from within your contract. .. code-block:: solidity contract Lottery { address alarm; // set by some other mechanism. function beginLottery() public { uint lotteryId = ...; // Now we schedule the picking of the winner. bytes4 sig = bytes4(sha3("pickWinner(uint256)")); // 0x1991313 is the ABI signature computed from `bytes4(sha3("scheduleCall(address,bytes4,uint256)"))`., address(this), sig, 100) // Register the call data; } function pickWinner(uint lotteryId) public { ... } } If however, your call data either has a ``bytes4`` value as it's first argument, or, the first 4 bytes of the call data have a collision with one of the existing function signatures on the call contract, you can use the ``registerData`` function instead. * **Solidity Function Signature:** ``registerData()`` * **ABI Signature:** ``0xb0f07e44`` In solidity, this would look something like the following. .. code-block:: contract Example { function doDataRegistration() public { uint arg1 = 3; int arg2 = -1;"registerData()")), arg1, arg2); } } Upon receiving this call, the Alarm service strips off the first four bytes from ```` to remove the ABI function signature and then stores the full call data. Once data has been registered, it cannot be modified. Attempts to do so will result in an exception. ABI Encoding and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``call()`` function on an address in solidity does not do any ABI encoding, so in cases where a scheduled call must pass something like a ``bytes`` variable, you will need to handle the ABI encoding yourself. Cancelling a call ----------------- A scheduled call can be cancelled by its scheduler up to 10 blocks before it's target block. To cancel a scheduled call use the ``cancel`` function. * **Solidity Function Signature:** ``cancel(address callAddress)`` * **ABI Signature:** ``0xea8a1af0`` This will result in the call contract suiciding, and sending any remaining funds to the scheduler's address. Looking up a Call ----------------- You can lookup whether a particular address is a known scheduled call with the ``isKnownCall`` function. * **Solidity Function Signature:** ``isKnownCall(address callAddress) returns (bool)`` * **ABI Signature:** ``0x523ccfa8`` Returns a boolean as to whether this address represents a known scheduled call.