Events ====== The following events are used to log notable events within the Alarm service. Alarm Events ------------ The primary Alarm service contract logs the following events. Please not that all of the event names begin with an underscore. Deposit ^^^^^^^ * **Solidity Event Signature:** ``_Deposit(address indexed _from, address indexed accountAddress, uint value)`` * **ABI Signature:** ``0x47a08955`` Executed anytime a deposit is made into an address's Alarm account. Withdraw ^^^^^^^^ * **Solidity Event Signature:** ``_Withdraw(address indexed accountAddress, uint value)`` * **ABI Signature:** ``0xd0c5cf41`` Executed anytime a withdrawl is made from an address's Alarm account. Call Scheduled ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * **Solidity Event Signature:** ``CallScheduled(bytes32 indexed callKey)`` * **ABI Signature:** ``0xa951c534`` Executed when a new scheduled call is created. Call Executed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * **Solidity Event Signature:** ``CallExecuted(address indexed executedBy, bytes32 indexed callKey)`` * **ABI Signature:** ``0x8f4d8723`` Executed when a scheduled call is executed. Call Aborted ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * **Solidity Event Signature:** ``CallAborted(address indexed executedBy, bytes32 indexed callKey, bytes18 reason)`` * **ABI Signature:** ``0xe92bb686`` Executed when an attempt is made to execute a scheduled call is rejected. The ``reason`` value in this log entry contains a short string representation of why the call was rejected. Added To Generation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * **Solidity Event Signature:** ``_AddedToGeneration(address indexed callerAddress, uint indexed pool)`` * **ABI Signature:** ``0x4327115b`` Executed anytime a new address is added to the caller pool. Removed From Generation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * **Solidity Event Signature:** ``_RemovedFromGeneration(address indexed callerAddress, uint indexed pool)`` * **ABI Signature:** ``0xd6940c8c`` Executed anytime an address is removed from the caller pool. Awarded Missed Block Bonus ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * **Solidity Event Signature:** ``_AwardedMissedBlockBonus(address indexed fromCaller, address indexed toCaller, uint indexed poolNumber, bytes32 callKey, uint blockNumber, uint bonusAmount)`` * **ABI Signature:** ``0x7c41de34`` Executed anytime a pool member's bond is awarded to another address due to them missing a scheduled call that was designated as theirs to execute.